Bug Report Bug Report A form for reporting bugs in the i-DST SUSTAIN tool Did the error cause the card file to be wiped? Yes No This is the file you select to load or run that contains information about the BMP's and results.Card UploadMax. file size: 250 MB.When does the bug occur? Before running During runtime After run / Viewing results Other Can you describe the error and when it occurred?What were you doing before runtime that made the bug occur? Changing Settings Adding/Changing BMP or BMP Routes Changing BMP properties Other Can you describe the error?Can you describe the error reported by the tool and the settings it was running?Useful settings would include the simulation and optimization settings as well as potentially the file that caused error.What were you doing after runtime that made the bug occur? Viewing Graphing Viewing Report Card Can you describe the error reported by the tool and the settings it was running?Useful settings would include the simulation and optimization settings as well as potentially the file that caused error.