Site Scale Module
The site scale tool features all the components of the full scale tool, but has been designed for selecting and design a stormwater control measure for an individual site. The site-scale tool work flow includes:
- Hydrology module
- SCM Selection module
- Water quality module
- Sizing module
- Cost module
The Hydrology Module:
- Simulates land surface runoff
- Generations a runoff depth and hydrograph
- Event or continuous simulation
- Includes multiple routines for simulating infiltration and evapotranspiration
SCM Selection Module:
- Select a SCM based on the pollutants in the watershed’s land use and region
- Leverages a database of performance to choose the SCM with the best pollutant removal
- Preliminary cost estimate determines which SCMs are infeasible
- User-weighted decision criteria helps you choose the final SCM that is best for your site
Water Quality Module:
- Determines treatment within SCM based on the design
- Explicitly models physical treatment processes (settling, decay, etc.)
- Uses different routines for each pollutant
- Separate algorithms for infiltration and storage-based SCMs
Sizing Module:
- Uses hydrologic and water quality criteria to size BMPs to reach specified management goals
- Size storage-based BMPs for peak flow reductions
- Size infiltration-based BMPs for volume reductions
- Water quality goals…
Cost module:
- Quantifies capital and life cycle costs of each SCM using cost curves
- Costs vary with SCM volume
- Life cycle components include construction, land acquisition, operation and maintenance, rehabilitation, and administration
- Includes regional adjustment factors