Watershed Scale Module
The watershed scale i-DST tool allows users to identify a distribution of SCMs to help meet management targets. Management targets include things like flood control and water quality permit compliance. Key features include:
- Sleek, dynamic graphical user interface
- Ability to consume any modeled or observed time series for analysis
- Optimization engine to automatically select the number and a types of BMPs required to meet a management target at minimum cost
- The life cycle cost and life cycle environmental assessment module is embedded
- User-friendly dashboard displays planning-level outputs, including community co-benefits
Graphical User Interface (GUI):
- Easily important observed or modeled time series of runoff and water quality for analysis
- Watershed sketch allows user to hydrologically connect SCMs in parallel or series
- The life cycle cost and environmental assessment modules are embedded into the GUI, so the cost estimates are holistic and accurate

Parameterize SCMs:
- Select the types of SCMs under considerations and how many may be implemented in the watershed
- Use default SCM design, cost, and performance data
- Option to tailor the SCMs under consideration to local design practices
- Option to implement centralized and distributed SCMs
- Above-ground and below-ground SCMs are also available

Optimization Engine:
- The GUI allows you to set up optimization trials to find the right mix of SCMs for reaching management targets, like total maximum daily load compliance, at the lowest life cycle cost
- Uses the EPA SUSTAIN optimization engine to automatically test different distributions of SCMs
- Outputs from the optimization engine are automatically important back to the GUI

Post-Processor and Informed Decision Making:
- Post-processor will synthesize output from all tool modules, directly in the GUI
- Will assess the community co-benefits associated with each SCM scenario
- A simple, but informative dashboard allows users to compare SCM scenarios generated by the optimization engine at a high level
- Users will also be able to access individual SCM scenarios for more information on specific components of life cycle costs, hydrologic and water quality management, as well as co-benefits