Integrated Decision Support Tool
Integrated Decision Support Tool (i-DST)
For Stormwater infrastructure planning
The i-DST is a decision support tool for planners implementing gray, green and hybrid stormwater control measures (SCMs). The tool, which is in advanced stages of development, integrates the following computational modules into one software package:
- Hydrologic and water quality treatment in a variety of gray and green SCMs
- Life cycle cost and life cycle assessments of SCMs
- Gray infrastructure energy and costs avoided by using distributed SCMs to manage stormwater in combined systems
- Analysis of co-benefits provided by the SCMs
- Automatic optimization of number and type of SCMs to meet management objectives at minimum life cycle cost
Modular Design
By choosing which modules to engage, i-DST users can match the tool’s functionality to specific project goals. This flexibility will also make the tool serviceable to users of all experience levels. The core modules are:
Broad Spatial Applicability
i-DST informs decision making across scales: from the individual site to the watershed.
In addition to its applicability at multiple spatial scales, i-DST uses location-specific environmental and cost data, improving simulation accuracy across all the hydroclimatic regions of the U.S.

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