Life Cycle Cost and Assessment Module

The life cycle cost and life cycle environmental impact assessment module is a stand-alone Microsoft Excel workbook that allows users to take a unit process approach to estimate costs and environmental impact for SCMs.  Features include: 

  • Unit process inventories and default values for 17 classes SCMs
  • Location-specific cost estimates
  • Full life cycle, with escalation adjustments for each cost component
  • Environmental impact assessment following EPA TRACI 2.0 methods

The first version of the of distributed SCM module can be found here

The 17 SCMs:

  • The tool is developed with 17 SCM, mirroring those simulated in the watershed-scale hydrology and water quality module
  • Each SCM has unique unit processes inventories and default values

Global Tool Settings:

Include information on location and timing.  Cost are adjusted using the 2017 RSMeans Base City Cost Index.  Specify other relavant information about the system include:

  • Is it a combined sewer system
  • Is labor subcontracted or internal
  • Is equipment owned or leased

Life Cycle Cost Calculations:

  • Process inventories for each SCM are linked to centralized financial and environmental cost estimates
  • Costs are calculated per SCM of specified size (e.g., a cistern of volume defined by SUSTAIN) using per process material, labor, equipment, energy, and other inputs multiplied by cost per unit input for each input.
  • Net present value calculations for SCM costs incorporates the fact that cost escalation varies by cost type
  • Environmental costs are monetized in the tool: cost results are presented as both financial only and financial + monetized environmental.

Life Cycle Environmental Impact Calculations:

  • Environmental impacts are estimated using the EPA’s TRACI 2.0 (Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and other environmental Impacts) categories
  • For materials, data collection on environmental impact is underway and thus far relies heavily on Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).