Download i-DST

Download i-DST Watershed Scale Tool

Download for i-DST Watershed Tool. User Guide coming soon.

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Download Green LCC

The data include an Excel-based life cycle cost model for distributed storm water control measures and its user guide. This model is a module of the broader Integrated Decision Support Tool led by the Colorado School of Mines ( collaboration with researchers at UC Berkeley, South Dakota School of Mines, Georgia Tech, and The Nature Conservancy. The purpose is to support customizable analysis of life cycle costs associated with distributed storm water control measures in the United States, including a first-order estimate of environmental costs. The model includes various scenario analyses, including the ability to adjust the base year of analysis, but is based primarily on data available in 2018-2019.

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Download Grey LCCA

The Grey Infrastructure Life Cycle Cost and Environmental Assessment (Grey Infrastructure LCC-LCA) tool for the Integrated Decision Support Tool (iDST) project is an Excel-based tool that estimates costs, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions of grey infrastructure used in combined storm water (CSS) and separate storm water and sanitary sewer systems (SSS) in an urban setting

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Download i-DST Site Scale

The site-scale, Integrated Decision Support Tool (i-DSTss) assists users in developing and selecting best management practices (BMPs) for storm water runoff. The i-DSTss estimates site hydrology and runoff water quality which is then used in BMP selection and design. The life-cycle cost of a designed BMP can also be estimated considering capital, operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation costs

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Download Benefit Fact Sheets

These factsheets are meant to be read to supplement the outputs of the i-DST to help decisionmakers consider the trade-offs of each benefit. Each factsheet addresses a benefit for which i-DST SUSTAIN modeling cannot directly quantify; all are related to the vegetated component of green storm water infrastructure. The factsheets give a summary of the state of the literature, evaluate trade-offs using a conceptual framework, identify key considerations for installation and highlight key papers for those wanting to learn more

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